We have a kitten :)

We searched for her for a long time and finally found her!
I noticed her in the Durham Animal Shelter in one of the cages. In the very corner of the cage, she was sitting facing away from everyone else. For a while I was not sure if we needed a cat. Will she not only be additional worries in our every day life? Will we be able to get along, what if she’s going to be aggressive or unsocial… or… there were many doubts.  But Nadia had been asking for a long time and I decided to take this step.  Now I do not regret this! Now is strange to think that we were able to not take her. In my life I have not seen many black cats, even in pictures, there for I wanted something more cute and furry. But it happened that my gaze stopped on this little monster 🙂  Maybe she is not the most beautiful of all cats, but she is cute and has a unique and wonderful character. The kids called her Lily, but I call her Chuchelo  or just Kitty

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